We bring you the best possible voice messaging for your company.

Voice Messaging
No per call charges. FLAT rate voice messaging that will always meet your budget.
Medical offices, Apartment communities, any small business office can now insure that you never miss a high priority call. Non urgent messages are kept separately so that you can respond to them when it is convenient. Error Free Emergency messages immediately delivered every time or callers can be transferred directly to your on call staff.
Represent your community in a professional and consistent manner.
Staying on top of your business is easy with detailed management reports.
Auto answer when lines are busy or you forget to forward your phone.
Word-for-word messages from your callers.
Provide additional information about your business such as hours of operation, website address, amenities and directions to your business.
During hours, call back and notify staff of new messages.
Emergency messages can be routed to pagers and phones. If there is no response we will automatically send the message to multiple numbers in timed intervals. You will never miss another emergency phone call.